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Human Resource Management Practice in the UK private security industry - Essay Example

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Private security companies offer their services across the United Kingdom to many different sectors to protect and safeguard company assets and human capitol. The main expectations from these companies are to provide security personnel to protect against many natural hazards and…
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Human Resource Management Practice in the UK private security industry
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heir employer’s investment, ensure that laws are followed and implemented, and apart from preventing many other problems they prevent criminal activity (Brewster, 1994). The security personnel are expected to behave as a part of the culture of the organization and process information to protect the interests of their employers and suggest improvements in the infrastructure. This requires them to have good judgement and common sense as they need to follow directives given to them and moreover may be required to testify in courts.

Their instinctual development and insights make them respond to emergencies effectively and take charge of the situation in a can do attitude while directing others to safety. Either in groups or working alone or being assisted by technology, the security personnel have to be solely responsible of any situation that calls for their immediate response (Brewster, 1994). Based on the needs and requirements of the industry and the dynamic way the companies progress, the recruitment and selection processes of these companies are made to follow government regulations and internal policies to ensure service and recruitment of personnel (Bratton, 2001).

As human resource development has progressed so has the recruitment and selection process as well. The standards that are set professionally by the industrial psychologists suggest that the selection system has to be backed by a comprehensive job analysis to relate the selection criteria with the job requirement. The main requirements for the selection process are based on the knowledge of the applicant that is directly related to the job requirement. Furthermore, the assessment of the abilities and other characteristics of the recruits are evaluated for successful performance (Bratton, 2001).

The objective of hiring personnel in security agencies to provide solutions to companies is to match the requirements while ensuring a profitable return on investment. The process of recruitment revolves

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